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Welcome to our new online Portal to help clubs manage information for your club.
Click on the above tabs to see further FAQs on specific topics.
Each item in the list of topics can be clicked to popup the information.
Clicking again will hide the item information.

Keeping information secure but accessible is the main aim of this site. Admin, Physio and Coaches have their own section to keep track of the teams and individual players.

Site Updates:
If you experience any major problems or issues, please try again 5-10 minutes later (we may be doing an update and any issue should get fixed quickly)
Brian: 0794 641 5312

Tue 21 Feb 2023 :
User login, view own events,
Age Group documents only shown in User Documents folders (not in Global Docs)
Further Consent forms added, links to Consent Form uploads included
Email updated with No Consent and Age Groups

Tue 7th Feb 2023:
Front Page events coming up now showing

Sun 5th Feb 2023:
Teams, Events added to show list of fixtures (similar format to the Admin Event section).
Player Type can be selected, we can provide a list of player positions if required.
Player Search: the list is now organised in Surname order, with Archive users at bottom of list.